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Test drive a home for 90 days

Blog, Featured Blog Posts | February 6, 2014















Buying a new home is a huge investment.

You spend hours scouring listings, visiting open houses, weighing options, exploring financing opportunities, reading (and signing) paperwork… The list goes on (and we haven’t even gotten into the huge financial investment yet, either.)

But, what happens if the house ends up being the wrong one for you?  (It gets messy.)

That’s why we’re offering an exciting new opportunity: Test-driving your home!

We believe that giving you the opportunity to test drive your home for 90 days will give you one of the most important things that money can’t buy: Peace of mind.

At Eximus, we’re here to create the experience that you want, and we’re always striving to surpass your expectations. If you’d like to learn more about test-driving your new home, please contact us today!